My daily life: The Importance of Keeping Up with the Online Community


     The Internet is a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols (Oxford languages). Which is a system in which electronic devices can access each other. To communicate and share things that have been happening in the world because if you think that this news does not provide you with any help in your personal or professional life, then this is a big misconception you are living with. Life has changed and is now more difficult than it was in the past. Thus, if you miss the most recent news updates, you are probably missing out on something important in life.


    Though it may vary for everyone, many kids and adults, including me, lead hectic lives. Nevertheless, it can be said that failing to be active in the online community can be detrimental. The ability to be informed about current events thanks to the internet's current trend aids in maintaining your awareness of everyday situations. so that you can stay informed on the most recent developments and get ready for current global events. For instance, when I was getting ready for school at home, I noticed that it was pouring rain. I didn't want to arrive at school drenched, but I had no alternative. I picked up my phone to check, and I noticed that the mayor had canceled the class. As a result, I knew what to do and avoided getting wet and embarrassing myself.


    Another benefit of remaining informed is that it enables you to choose wisely rather than acting mindlessly. Because, in the same manner as in my previous example, I wouldn't make that choice if I didn't know what had been happening, and similarly to when someone tries to sell me anything, I can always check to see if recent research says the item works or not. 

    Finally, it improves my knowledge of everyday living. Because if you are well-informed about current events, you can actively participate in discussions with your friends, family, and coworkers. You can thus readily express your ideas. 


    Therefore, I can say that being current in the internet community makes me more alert, a wiser decision-maker, and more intelligent. Aiding me in continuing to live my life and the lives of others. To be capable of being a trustworthy Filipino citizen.



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