STEM Student's Journey: The Use of Information Technology


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There were not many happenings in my life that I would say ICT as a whole didn't help with when I started knowing how to use technology. ICT is a diverse set of technological tools and resources used to transmit, store, create, share, or exchange information (UNESCO, 2009). That being said, it helped me a lot when I was a kid to be entertained, and now as a STEM student wanting to know how to solve a trigonometric function.


           One of the experiences that I had was when I started doing research, because research itself needs a basis in order to form a more successful outcome. Also, to actually know if that topic isn't taken and can still be continued, having used ICT in that way helped me a lot to have a successful basis on what to do, as there is free research that I can use as a basis and for my related literature and related studies to be finished. Because even if you try to actually go to a library to find relevant, related studies. Sometimes it's very hard to find something that you can always use, and although you can find some, it's just not enough or that relevant. That's why ICT can be a great tool to expand your resources and achieve a more successful outcome.


      Another experience I had involved struggling to modify my grammar in order to complete a performance task for a certain subject, primarily EAPP. That is why I resort to Grammarly to help me and also detect if I added something that could plagiarize the paper, which would seriously suck for me. Because doing so would drastically hurt my mark, and I have a grade to maintain as a STEM student, even though I didn't plan for any of that to happen. That is why, although it is still far from flawless, the end result of employing that technique effectively assisted me in revising my work. I developed the confidence I needed to finish the exam.


          Following that, looking for solutions online is another experience I've had that I still engage in, mainly because I struggle with math as a STEM student. That's why I make an effort to study independently because of this and the fact that our subject teacher is rarely absent or tardy. Although not just problem-solving but also investigating how things function in practice. To strengthen my capacity for learning and broaden my knowledge of a few topics that I'm unfamiliar with and still don't fully comprehend. Because doing better at what I had to do gives me happiness and others.


Last but not least, knowing about ICT is helpful to me and others. It broadens my mother's knowledge and encourages time for us to spend together, which is something I find rare. Furthermore, because I'm expected to perform things or simply be competent at them as a STEM student, People seek your assistance for this reason; ICT as a whole aids me in doing so so that I won't humiliate myself and may continue to impart fresh knowledge to others.


          In conclusion, ICT has become a crucial component of STEM education and research. According to my own life experiences, STEM students like me use a variety of ICT tools and applications to analyze data, build simulations, and finish projects. Technology innovation has made learning more interactive and interesting, and STEM students can now have access to the newest technology for experimentation and problem-solving. It can also be utilized for collaborative projects, communication, and access to internet resources. That is why the use of ICT has helped me throughout my life as a STEM student.  
