
My daily life: The Importance of Keeping Up with the Online Community

            The Internet is a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols (Oxford languages). Which is a system in which electronic devices can access each other. To communicate and share things that have been happening in the world because if you think that this news does not provide you with any help in your personal or professional life, then this is a big misconception you are living with. Life has changed and is now more difficult than it was in the past. Thus, if you miss the most recent news updates, you are probably missing out on something important in life.        Though it may vary for everyone, many kids and adults, including me, lead hectic lives. Nevertheless, it can be said that failing to be active in the online community can be detrimental. The ability to be informed about current events thanks to the internet's current trend aids in mainta

Facebook: A Social Network for Students to Share Their Ideas

            As a student, I only share topics when I need to, since I don't think it's necessary. I'm also very hesitant to put things online because they might be seen by many people, including those I don't know. And there are numerous ways to exchange ideas, but the best one will rely on the specific needs of the user. Platforms like Canva or Prezi may be the best choice, for instance, if the concepts are best illustrated visually. Platforms like Google Docs or Trello could work effectively if cooperation is important. Concepts can be shared with a wider audience through social media sites like Twitter and LinkedIn. In the end, the platform that best serves the user's unique objectives and the target market should be chosen.     Because of this, I primarily use Facebook to share ideas online. Since technology is thriving today and many people already own cell phones, which can be used to access the platforms they want, it is excellent if you want to communicate w

STEM Student's Journey: The Use of Information Technology

  >───⇌• :🌷: •⇋───< There were not many happenings in my life that I would say ICT as a whole didn't help with when I started knowing how to use technology. ICT is a diverse set of technological tools and resources used to transmit, store, create, share, or exchange information (UNESCO, 2009). That being said, it helped me a lot when I was a kid to be entertained, and now as a STEM student wanting to know how to solve a trigonometric function.               One of the experiences that I had was when I started doing research, because research itself needs a basis in order to form a more successful outcome. Also, to actually know if that topic isn't taken and can still be continued, having used ICT in that way helped me a lot to have a successful basis on what to do, as there is free research that I can use as a basis and for my related literature and related studies to be finished. Because even if you try to actually go to a library to find relevant, related studies. Some